Love this approach. Solutions won't be effective without systematic change, but we also need individuals to take advantage of opportunities to change. It's more effective to have city-wide composting than some folks doing their individual composting piles. Glad to see Hothouse is carving out its own niche.
I hope you will include the connecting piece, about opportunities for individuals to come together and work for systemic change. Bringing the promise of the inflation reduction act to fruition and countering the efforts of the fossil fuel industry and others to hijack those programs for their own benefit requires political action at federal, state, and local levels.
Hi Wendy, that's exactly the kind of components I have in mind. Thank you for making that idea about the connecting piece explicit—about individuals working together. In the coming months I hope to introduce some opportunities for Hothouse readers to directly learn from and collaborate with one another, too. Stay tuned.
Thoughtful, ambitious, positive and coherent. I'm looking forward to a journey with these bigger steps. I think this approach will result in a growing contingent of participants, including those won over by logic. Practical planning helps, too. I like that you focus on what it is, rather than what it is not. Thanks, Cadence.
Love this approach. Solutions won't be effective without systematic change, but we also need individuals to take advantage of opportunities to change. It's more effective to have city-wide composting than some folks doing their individual composting piles. Glad to see Hothouse is carving out its own niche.
Thank you very much, Elaine! It’s really encouraging to see that this approach resonates with you as a reader.
I hope you will include the connecting piece, about opportunities for individuals to come together and work for systemic change. Bringing the promise of the inflation reduction act to fruition and countering the efforts of the fossil fuel industry and others to hijack those programs for their own benefit requires political action at federal, state, and local levels.
Hi Wendy, that's exactly the kind of components I have in mind. Thank you for making that idea about the connecting piece explicit—about individuals working together. In the coming months I hope to introduce some opportunities for Hothouse readers to directly learn from and collaborate with one another, too. Stay tuned.
Smart, important, well said.
Thanks, Darby!
Thoughtful, ambitious, positive and coherent. I'm looking forward to a journey with these bigger steps. I think this approach will result in a growing contingent of participants, including those won over by logic. Practical planning helps, too. I like that you focus on what it is, rather than what it is not. Thanks, Cadence.
Thank you, George. I'm curious to see what participants this approach might attract, too. And glad to hear like the logic is coming through.
Nicely articulated! Keep up this important work!
Thank you, Patti!